
1.     A metal bracket 14.5 cm by 12 cm was connected to a 2.17m wooden door with silver duct tape. The bracket was lined up horizontally with the frame of the door. The 12cm side of the bracket was taped parallel to the door and the 14.5cm side was perpendicular to the door.

2.     The top piece of a 2m black sewing string was double knotted to the end of the 14.5cm perpendicular side of the bracket.

3.     Thin silver, sewing needle was pierced into a small rubber bouncy ball *(mass) by one fourth of its diameter.

4.     The sewing string penetrated the needle and was double knotted so it remained stationary.  (The sewing needle contained a small hole on the end to allow the sewing string to go through)

5.     The top piece of the string was tied to the 14.5cm end of the metal bracket. The bottom piece of the string penetrated through the needle and was measured to reach 0.25 meters off the ground.

6.     Water was obtained from a tap and was poured into a large clear container. Another small clear container was obtained and was left empty.

7.     An electronic scale was obtained and connected to the outlet plug and was then set to grams.

8.     The small container was then placed on top of the scale and was weighed. Observations were then recorded.

9.     The large container was filled with 3L of tap water. From here, tap water was poured into the small container. The small container was then placed on top of the electronic scale and was weighed. Observations were than recorded.

10.   An eye dropper was obtained and used to precisely drop tap water so it would weigh exactly the right amount of mass.

11.   A lined piece of paper was then placed directly under the rubber bouncy ball. A precise sketch of a rectangle with equivalent measurement to the small container was then drawn on to the paper and was used as a template.
12.   The small container filled with water that weighed 512.5 g was carefully carried and placed onto the sketch of the rectangle on the lined piece of paper that was directly lined underneath the rubber bouncy ball.

13  A flint lighter was obtained and the flame was ignited directly on the silver sewing needle and string where they were attached.  The rubber bouncy ball dropped into the small container and water was displaced. Observations were then recorded.

14.   The small clear container was then carefully carried to the electronic scale and was weighed by grams. Observations were than recorded

15.   Steps 8-15 were repeated consecutively with different height intervals going up by 0.25 meters all the way to 2.0 meters.

Lab Apparatus (set up)